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Git Cheat Sheet for Beginners

Use case Command Notes
Initiating Git
Use case: Onboard your project on git repository
Create a new local git repository git init Creates a local repository with a default master branch
Get current working directory status git status Reports branch status against last committed state along with staged or modified files
Get history of commits git log --graph --oneline --all Use with --graph for a graphical view
Stage/Unstage modified files    
Stage a file git add <filename>  
Unstage a file git restore --staged <filename>  
Revert changes to modified file git restore <filename> Use with caution, once reverted git doesn’t retain history
Stage all modified files git add . Alterntively use git add --all
Unstage all modified files on a given path git restore --staged <path>  
Commit/Amend staged files
Use case: Commit your work to git repository
Commit all staged files to local repository git commit -m <message> -m switch is for message
Add a missed file to previous commit git add <filename>
git commit --amend
Working with remote repository
Use case: Integrate with remote repository
Check remote repositories names git remote -v Shows name with url and permissions
Clone a remote repository git clone <url>  
Add a remote branch git remote add <remote_name> <url>  
Fetch from remote branch git fetch Fetches data from remote server, but doesn’t merge with any local modifications
Fetch and automatically merge remote branch changes with local git pull  
Push to remote branch git push <remote_name> <branch_name>  
Rename a remote branch git remote rename <current_name> <new_name>  
Remove a remote branch git remote remove <branch_name>  
Working with branches    
Find your current branch git branch  
Create a new local branch git branch <branch_name> This command creates a new branch but doesn’t switch automatically
Switch to local branch git switch <branch_name>  
Create and switch to new local branch git switch -c <branch_name>  
Delete a local branch git branch -d <branch_name>  
Merge branch to current branch git merge <branch_nam> Works well assuming there are no merge conflicts. A more detailed cheatsheet on branching strategies to follow
Stashing changes
Use case: Your work is not yet ready to commit, and I need to switch branch or work on something else now
Stash a change git stash Alternatively use git stash push
Get list of stashed changes git stash list  
Apply most recent stash to working directory git apply stash Use with --index switch to revert to staging stage. By default all files will only be reverted to modified state
Apply a specific stash to working directory git apply stash <stash_id>  
Drop a stash git stash drop <stash_id> git stash pop command combines apply and drop together
Move stashed work to a new branch git stash branch <branch_name> Useful in case of merge conflicts